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On the Same Page (Secrets Book 4) Page 9
On the Same Page (Secrets Book 4) Read online
Page 9
He slipped the books and the receipt into a bag, then held it out to her. “You know how much I love books, but there are some things that are more important.” He gave her a meaningful smile. “Like favorite customers taking care of themselves first.”
She took her purchases from him, then started for the door. Heath was glad he’d been able to do something nice for her, because she truly was one of his favorites.
At the door, she paused, looked over her shoulder, and gave him a smile. “You know, if my son wasn’t madly in love with his boyfriend, I’d give him a push in your direction.”
“Much as I appreciate the thought, it’s not necessary.” He flashed her a smile. “I’m seeing someone.”
“Well, I hope he treats you well.”
Now it was Heath’s turn for his cheeks to heat. “He treats me very well.”
Her eyes twinkled. “Oh, you naughty boy. I hope to meet him one day.”
He bit back a laugh. Naughty? Not him. The discussion he and Xavier had shared about limits was proof of that. Xavier had been very patient, especially when Heath had hedged at a few things, but Xavier reminded him of the importance of communication. Oh my God, that list…. Heath admitted that while he wasn’t averse to being spanked, he wasn’t keen on the idea of pain. He’d half expected Xavier to be annoyed, but when his reaction was that of instant acceptance, Heath blew out a relieved breath. He was sure he’d never have the nerve to try even a third of the activities on that list. That didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to push some boundaries, however.
The thought of introducing Xavier to Mrs. Smithson warmed him, and it gave him a thrill that one day, maybe, Xav might meet Heath’s friends too.
“I hope you can meet him too. Now get home with you. Those books are calling your name. I can hear them from here. And don’t forget to let me know what you think of them.”
“Oh, I will.” She stepped a little closer. “Did you know that BA Tortuga is married to another author?” She lowered her voice, even though she and Heath were the only two in the store. “She married another woman!”
Heath chuckled. “Yes, I know. She married Julia Talbot in 2014, but they’ve known each other longer. Does that surprise you?”
She widened her eyes. “Me? Oh, heavens no. It proves what I told my son all those years ago when he came to me, telling me he was gay. I sat him down and explained to him that it doesn’t matter who you love, only that you do it with your whole heart.” She held the bag aloft. “That’s why I like these stories. They show that true, everlasting love is possible. Even if it’s only in the pages of a book, I want to believe that it happens in real life too.” She gave him a soft smile. “Thank you, Heath. Have a good night.”
“You too, Mrs. Smithson. Enjoy the books.”
She stepped out into the warm night, and Heath walked over to the door to wait until she got into her car. Once her taillights had vanished out of sight, he turned the sign to Closed and hurried upstairs to dress, his heart pounding.
Xavier was coming.
HEATH OPENED the door, and Xavier stepped inside. “You look great,” he said, after leaning in and kissing Heath on the cheek.
Great? Heath had chosen a button-down shirt and jeans, along with a jacket, but next to Xavier? He had on a black T-shirt that might as well have been painted on, because it left nothing to the imagination, stretched over his broad chest, the buds of his nipples pressed against the fabric. It clung to his abs, leading down to the gentle curves of his hips and stopping at the leathers he wore that highlighted a nice-sized bulge.
Still, the way Xavier let his gaze wander over Heath’s body, his tongue darting over his lips, was all kinds of gratifying.
Xavier gave him a slow smile. “You know, we could stay here tonight.” His voice was husky.
Heath laughed. “We could, yes, but seeing as you’ve had me thinking about tonight for the whole week, I might have to kill you if you change your mind now. And especially when you’re dressed like that. Seriously, how’d you get away with that outfit? I’m surprised the police didn’t nick you on the way here for indecent exposure. Those pants alone have to be a crime in at least twelve countries.”
“It’s getting dark, so that helped,” Xavier quipped. “Are you ready to go?”
“I am. I’m nervous and excited for tonight.” Heath’s insides were in knots.
“Nothing to be nervous about. My friends will love you. Just remember who you’re there with. No running off with a better-looking guy.” Xavier’s eyes sparkled with good humor.
Heath wanted to guffaw. As if that were possible.
Xavier placed his hand on the small of Heath’s back, keeping it there while Heath locked the shop. It was a gesture that said that Xavier was in control, and Heath loved the way it made him feel.
The ride to the club was quiet. Heath watched through the windscreen as they made their way to the warehouses down by the docks. He couldn’t believe a club could make a go of it here, but obviously Secrets was doing well. He recalled everything he’d seen there, and his heartbeat sped up. I want this.
Xavier placed a hand on Heath’s knee and gave it a light squeeze. “Hey, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I would never want to make you uncomfortable.”
Is that how I’m coming across to him? Heath took a deep breath. “No, I do. It’s just… I do better with books than people, you know? I don’t want to blurt out something in front of your friends that makes me look foolish.”
“I doubt that’s possible.”
“Oh? Have you ever heard me when I’m nervous? You have no idea of the stuff I can come up with. For example, did you know that every time you lick a postage stamp, you’re ingesting a tenth of a calorie? Or how about the QE2 moves only six inches for each gallon of fuel it consumes?”
Xavier’s eyes widened. “Well, I do now.” He stroked Heath’s thigh. “I do like a smart man.”
“And I like a man who pays attention when he’s driving,” Heath said pointedly. This was not the time to be giving him ideas. “And I wouldn’t say I’m smart. I just have a head full of useless trivia.”
Xavier pulled into a parking space and switched off the engine. “Maybe we’ll have to talk to the club owners about a trivia night. We could clean up.”
Heath chuckled. “Now you’re just trying to make me feel better.” He unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.
“Is it working?” Xavier locked the car and walked around to where Heath stood. “Because I want you relaxed. I have some people for you to meet before I take you to a room where we can start indulging in fantasies.” He snaked an arm around Heath’s waist, then leaned in and kissed him slowly on the lips.
Lord, the man could kiss.
Heath expelled a long breath. “I’m ready. Let’s do this thing.”
Xavier cupped his cheek. “If you need a break, tell me. I want this to be good for both of us, okay? And don’t worry about my friends. They will eat you up. Not literally, because they probably don’t have fava beans on the menu. And definitely no Chianti.”
It took a moment for the joke to sink it, but the laugh went a long way to soothing the remainder of Heath’s nerves.
He could totally do this.
Chapter Ten
WHEN THE doorman let them in with a flourish, Heath sucked in a deep breath. He was about to meet Xavier’s friends. Something in his belly roiled, and his first thought was that it was butterflies on crack—it felt for all the world like they were looping the loop in there. He snickered at the idea. Talk about an overactive imagination.
“What are you giggling about?”
Heath hastily got control of himself. “Just thinking about butterflies.”
Xavier’s brows knitted together. “Butterflies.”
Like he was going to explain…. Heath inhaled deeply. “This place smells as amazing as last time.”
Xavier did the same thing, then sighed. “Leather plus men, a unique fragrance that you’re n
ever going to find in a bottle. It’s also what comes to mind when I think about your books.”
“Think about it. It’s a time of men and horses, whips and riding crops, and recalcitrant boys who need to be reminded on occasion to mind their manners. What’s not to love?”
Well, that summed up the book pretty well, as far as Heath was concerned.
Xavier paused as they reached the bar. “All right, do you have any questions before I take you to meet some people?”
He’d had plenty on the way there, but now that they were standing inside, Heath couldn’t think of a single one. “No, I think I’m okay.”
Xavier gave Heath’s arm a squeeze. “Remember. If you get too nervous or if you want to go, just say the word and we’re out of here, all right?”
Heath chuckled. “This is my second visit, right? I don’t think I’ve seen everything, by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m not worried. This is where I want to be.”
Xavier’s smile could have melted an iceberg. Heath’s comfort was obviously important to him, and that meant a lot.
“Xavier? Well, it’s about time!”
A big, bald hulk of a man headed their way, and Heath resisted the urge to take a step closer to Xavier, even though the guy looked like he could eat three bookshop owners for breakfast and still be hungry.
Xavier beamed. “Vic! God, it’s been….”
Vic clasped his arm. “Far too long, mate. I haven’t seen you since Whispers.”
Xavier’s face fell. “Yeah, I know. What can I say? Life got in the way.”
Vic held up a hand. “Say no more. I think we’ve all been there. But at least you’re here now.”
A young man came up and stood beside Vic. The way he was grinning, Heath was half inclined to check if his fly was open.
Vic put his arm around the young man. “Ah, Rob. Come meet an old friend.”
Rob arched his eyebrows. “Old, huh? Not sure, but I think you’re older.”
Vic glared down at him. “You cheeky sod. I swear to God, one day you’re going to shock me by being on your best behavior.”
That grin didn’t falter. “Well, at least that’s something you never have to worry about.” Rob reached up and patted Vic’s chest. “At your age, any kind of shock could be lethal.”
Vic rubbed the bridge of his nose, then turned back to Xavier. “This is my brat, Rob. Say hello, brat.” Rob opened his mouth to speak, but Vic slapped a hand over it. “Just say hello. Don’t add any commentary or snide comments. Just act like a nice human being for a change.”
He pulled his hand away, and Rob rolled his eyes. “I know how to behave.” Vic snorted, and Rob’s gaze narrowed. Then, in the poshest and fakest accent Heath had ever heard, Rob held out a hand. “Good day, chaps. It’s lovely to make your acquaintance. My name is Rob Daniels, formerly of the Manchester Daniels’s, recently relocated to London, where I reside with one Victor Prentiss. If I had on me top hat, I’d tip it, but as I am currently not in possession of such a garment, I’ll simply have to offer my hand.”
The laughter that bubbled up and out of Heath, coupled with the exaggerated eye-roll from Xavier, must have been exactly the reaction Rob wanted, because he cracked up laughing. He gave them both a smile that was considerably more natural.
“Hi, I’m Rob. It’s good to meet a friend of Vic’s.” He leaned in. “He rarely introduces me. I think he’s afraid I’d scare off most normal people.”
Heath reached for Rob’s hand. It was warm, rather much like the man. “I’m Heath Snow. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Rob regarded him with interest. “So, Dom or sub?”
“Rob?” Heath couldn’t miss the warning note in Vic’s voice.
Rob widened his eyes. “What? A guy’s got a right to know these things. I mean, I don’t want to cross any invisible line and end up in the corner. Again.”
“Trust me, at this rate you’re going to be there when we get home.”
“Jeez, now there’s a surprise.” He shrugged. “But since I’m going to be there anyway…. Heath, Dom or sub?”
God, the two of them were quite a double act. Even though Rob was being snarky, Heath liked how he’d remained plastered to Vic’s side the whole time they talked.
“Sub, I guess.” Heath cleared his throat. “I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s how I’d be classified.”
Rob beamed. “Excellent! Then you can come upstairs to our Subspace.” He leaned in closer. “It’s a Dom-free zone where we can sit around in our underwear and talk about them.” He peered up at Vic and fluttered his lashes. “If that’s okay with you, of course, Sir.”
“Yes, because of course I believe you listen to a damned thing I say.”
But he did, and Heath could tell. Rob was a lot of bluster, but he clung to Vic like he was a life jacket in a turbulent sea. And no matter what Vic claimed, he was definitely the only one Rob had eyes for.
Xavier cleared his throat. “Can they do that later? I wanted to introduce him to some people. That’s if there’s anyone still around from the old days?”
Vic smiled. “A few. Derek is here with James, Wayne is here with his boy, Ellis, and I saw Sam and Aaron with Tim a bit ago. I think they were headed up to a private room.”
Xavier frowned. “Tim? What happened to—what was their boy’s name?”
“Sebastian.” The word dripped with venom when Rob sputtered it.
Vic speared him with an intense look. “Rob…. Don’t start, because you won’t like what’s going to happen.”
“After what he did to Tim?” Rob retorted.
Obviously there was a story, but Heath wasn’t interested in gossip.
Well, not much.
“He did nothing to Tim, so stop making it bigger than it is. Sam and Aaron are happier than I’ve ever seen them, and Tim is exactly where he wants to be. Let them have that.” Vic met Xavier’s questioning gaze. “The last I heard, Sam and Aaron helped Seb to find a new master. He wasn’t happy and broke their contract, but came back to say he’d made a mistake. Sam and Aaron were with Tim, and that was something they all had to work through. But everyone—and I mean everyone, Rob—is happier now. Let it go, Elsa.”
Rob humphed. “Fine. Doesn’t mean I’m ever going to like him, though.”
Vic smirked. “And I’m sure he’s heartbroken over that fact.”
“Who’s Ellis? Last time I saw Wayne, he was single.”
“His former police partner. Remember a while ago, there was that news item about the copper that got shot trying to save a little girl? That was Ellis.”
Holy shit. Heath recalled seeing it on the news, and he remembered how it chilled his blood when the big man went down. “Is he okay?”
Rob nodded. “Mostly. He’s upstairs now, relaxing. His leg still bothers him, and he uses our mini club to get away from the stress and chill.” He leaned in again. “And by stress, I mean his overbearing Dom.”
Vic coughed loudly. “And on that note, I think it’s time for Rob to go stand in the corner for thirty minutes.”
Heath might only have known Rob for a short time, but his reaction didn’t disappoint. Rob turned and raised his head, looking at one side of the club.
“Oy! Can you guys clear out of there? I need my corner.”
One of the men laughed. “Find another one.”
Rob seemed aghast. “But I have my name in that one.”
Vic started to say something, then shook his head. “Yes, of course you do. Go on, then, thirty minutes.” He leaned in and kissed Rob. “And remember I love you.”
Rob appeared to melt at the touch of Vic’s lips. When Vic stepped back, Rob let out a small whine. “Love you too, Sir.” Then he grinned at Heath, turned, and flounced off to the corner.
“Bloody hell.” Xavier chuckled. “He’s yours?”
“My one and only. Don’t let his snarky exterior fool you. Rob pushes because he knows he can, and because I’m exactly what he needs. I will never
doubt he loves me, and I make sure he knows he’s loved too.”
Xavier tugged at Heath’s arm. “Come on.”
For the next thirty minutes, the names and faces all blended together. Heath met more of Xavier’s friends than he’d ever be able to remember. But all were polite and respectful, greeting Heath like a mate they hadn’t seen in years. Any lingering discomfort vanished, replaced by a sense of familiarity. Secrets was an oasis, as far as Heath was concerned. An island in a sea of turmoil, where like-minded people got together and lived their lives proudly.
When Rob came back, with Vic at his side, Xavier nudged Heath forward. “Go ahead with Rob to see this place he’s talking about. I’m going to go check on our room to be sure everything is ready. It’s almost a quarter to eight now, so be back down here at eight thirty, yeah?”
Rob gaped. “Okay? He doesn’t make you call him Sir? Shit, Vic. If Heath doesn’t have to, then why should I?”
Vic guffawed. “You lying little sod, you almost never call me Sir. God, next thing you know, you’ll be telling them I hang you from irons in my dungeon and beat you black and blue every night.”
Rob pulled down the top of his shirt, where Heath could see the chain he wore. He lifted it and pointed to a dark bruise on his neck, looking smug. “What’s this, then?”
“A hickey, you drama queen. Remember? I had you down on the bed, your legs wrapped around me, and I—”
This time it was Rob’s turn to slap a hand over Vic’s mouth. “Okay, that’s enough. No one wants to know our business.”
“Oh, I do,” Heath said, enjoying himself. “Go on, then, Vic. What happened next?”
Rob stuck out his tongue. “And to think I liked you.” He snickered. “C’mon. Let’s get upstairs before this one sends me to the corner again.”